in progress
Yann Léger
To reduce costs on applications which do not have constant traffic and are not latency sensitive, a scale-to-zero feature would be useful.
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David Lechevalier
Scale to Zero is now in public preview and available for everyone!
You can combine Scale to Zero combine with Autoscaling. Your workloads running on GPU and CPU adapt fully automatically to traffic - they sleep and wake up automatically depending on requests and scale out horizontally according to your criteria.
Saybo podiyam
David Lechevalier
in progress
Jonas Stjernquist
I would like to have the ability to have scale-to-zero in combination with provided settings for minimum count of services which is active.
Examples of autoscale + scale-to-zero configurations:
3 x eSmall instances always running
1 - 3 x eSmall instances always running
1 x eSmall instance always running and up to 3 running eSmall instances
Hmm, Seems nice. It would be better to scale back up after a request comes in. :)
and also an option to scheduling turn off/on times for a service is appreciable!
Yann Léger
Yann Léger
under review
Édouard Bonlieu
Merged in a post:
Colin Wang
Heroku has the function of dyno sleeping, which we really need - to save money
Chris Helder
Building off of Seth's suggestion, it would also be nice to make sure this is a toggle switch, for those who may want services running 24/7.
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