Reference service environment variables
David Lechevalier
Allow to leverage environment variables including the ones provided by Koyeb so you can build environment variables that works with your codebase such as:
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add please Secrets for insert also
David Lechevalier
You can now reference Koyeb variables and secrets when defining environment variables. For instance, the following environment variable:PUBLIC_URL= https://{{KOYEB_PUBLIC_DOMAIN}} will be evaluated at runtime and set to . It allows you to define a variable value dynamically instead of setting a hard-coded value.
David Lechevalier
in progress
David Lechevalier
Merged in a post:
Add new env var type: system
Scott Feldman
We have Secret and PlainText types. This would add a third type System, and the value would be a pick list with KOYEB_xxx env vars. Why? I want this:
(I'm using the $ symbol like the @ symbol is used for Secret types).
And in my app,
This way I'm not tied to env vars prefixed with KOYEB_ and my app is more portable.
David Lechevalier